Book 2: The Superhero Within
“The Superhero Within” is the second book in The Adventures of Omolara series—a collection of Christian picture books. A follow up to the first book in the series, “God’s Calling,” “The Superhero Within” echoes the same rhyming pattern and lyrical rhythm, only this time readers meet Omolara when she is a bit older and learning to explore the world more independently. Despite the vast sights she will see and lessons she will learn, “The Superhero Within” shares the good news of God’s kingdom, teaching Omolara that she has a superpower she never knew about. She is a daughter of the king! And she has been given a mission to conquer the world for God, to share the gospel with others. While she may feel overwhelmed by the task, her devotion to God is all she needs. Through Him, and the support of her loving family, “The Superhero Within” encourages Omolara in the pursuit of a purposeful life and to follow where God leads her. Join Omolara as she learns that she is filled with potential, created in God’s image, and able to take on the world with her wonderful, strong spirit.